Friday, 26 October 2012

Real Eyes, Realize, Real Lies

Times are changing, the resounding waves of unfulfilled needs are crashing at the shores of the health and fitness industry and this ever growing tsunami is not stopping any time soon.

What will be left is a complete resurgence of what some may call “the glory days” of past time weightlifting when all you needed was a barbell to make a definite change in your life.
Myself at a 100% Raw Powerlifting Meet
The Prologue to this Revolution
Within every industry there is always change and to think otherwise is a recipe for failure, and your competitors are always waiting for you to be blinded by ignorance. The big corporate giants that sit upon the throne of deceit, false promises, over populated gym classes and marketing campaigns that suggest sitting on a cable machine offers more benefits than using a power rack, are starting to drown in their own lies. Consumers of this filth, who have for so long believed that nothing lies beyond this prison cell of recycled garbage, are starting to see the light and once this flood has settled and the scene is clean once again, will the true virtues of weightlifting be left to be used by those willing to climb the long road to the top.

The Coup

One does have to look far to see the growth in 'alternative gyms' or called in a different phrase, 'functional training facilities'. In first world countries such as America or the UK, these type of gyms have spawned in the shadows of the health club giants, drawing those that seek strength, power and a truthful handshake and smile without waiting for the knife to plunged when facing the other way.

In South Africa the same growth is happening right in our backyard, the masses are hearing the calling and the smell of change is rich in the air. Riot fever on the brink of eruption with the strike of one match.

The need for effective use of powerlifts, olympic lifts, kettlebell work, accommodating resistance, loaded conditioning such as the prowler or sled work and strongman implementation has been largely ignored by corporate entities. The 'new' alternative gyms are taking full advantage of this as offering a focussed product and service offering aimed at this niche market is what will build barriers to entry against health clubs, and for good reason! Functional gym success lies in the fact that the product is tailor made for the changing needs of customers, the offering can be easily customised as there is hardly any level of bureaucracy to stall the progress of the organisation, which is what is driving this tidal wave onwards.

Why the ranks are growing

With everything that is currently surrounding us in life, there pinnacle has to reached, it has and now customers want the damn answer to the question, “How do I make a definite change to my body?”. Without throwing an advertising campaign, using poorly trained personal training staff or adding in another class where you dance around on a mat for an hour, the real gyms are saying, “Just walk through our door and we'll show you”.

The fact is lifting, running with and carrying something heavy in a certain plane of motion is going to cause your body to wake the hell up very fast and get cracking on with getting stronger, more fit and developing overall power. Even if your goal is not to stand up on the platform and get huge, knowing how to at least do the following movements in a structured program is going to make you the ass kicking machine you were meant to be:
  • deadlift
  • squat
  • chin up
  • bench
  • overhead press
  • farmers walk
  • push a prowler
  • kettlebell swing
  • use chains and bands
Its nothing more than having the right people, with the right substantiated knowledge and in the right environment to guide you in getting more efficient in using functional equipment without you getting hurt and progressing over the long run.

A call to arms

So are you going to sit in the sinking ship or are you going to swim out to the life raft, its scary I know, but taking that leap of faith will pay off I promise you. Stop wasting the hours jogging on the treadmill, pumping biceps in front of the gym mirrors, feeling disheartened when a muscle gorilla walks past with watermelons under his arms and really believing that carbs before bed is going to make you fat.

Come to the change, join the revolution, be on the winning side and get your life and body back. Have for once a claim to being someone that works out, that trains to have a strong and healthy body and mind.
This is where PowerHouse Performance is born, right into the capsizing shift of the fitness industry make over. The aim of this blog:
  • Develop a framework in South Africa to which you can use to make the right choices in changing your body for the best
  • Providing education in the formats of articles, photos, video uploads, guest writings from respected industry professionals
  • Answering questions from you, the consumer, in which direction is best suited for your individual needs
  • No bullshit claims or misleading advertising, just the truth in what really works and proving it
Still think the treadmill is the only source of cardio?
Finding a real gym
Evo Fitness (Cape Town)
The Yard Athletic (Johannesburg)
Progressive Edge (Cape Town)

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