Thursday, 20 December 2012

The Genesis Program: {Part 3} The Conclusion

The final piece of the puzzle to building a strength program is here

Again I must reiterate that this program I have outlined is for intermediate lifters in terms of individuals that have been lifting weights but have stalled due to the beginner gains running dry and need direction in order to keep progressing. Ideally the main concern is technique and form which have to be as close as possible to satisfactory in order to reap the benefits of the program outlined below.

The Program Outline

The program basics:

  • 12 weeks long
  • Built on 3 days of resistance training and 2 days of cardiovascular training
  • Broken down into 3 x 4 week cycles (blocks)
  • Squat. bench and deadlift every training session
The premise of the program is to hit a squat, bench and deadlift variation in each resistance training session working from general to more specific lifts as the cycles get closer to the end of 12 weeks. This builds the body up from correcting weaknesses by building muscle in weak areas to increase leverage and strength in the main lifts later down the line.

Program Template:

The program lifting days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday with conditioning being left to the lifter to do twice a week on any other day that works best for them.

Genesis Movement Rotation
Monday: Squat. Bench. Deadlift
Wednesday: Bench. Deadlift. Squat
Friday: Deadlift. Squat. Bench

Main movement:
Week 1: 5 sets x 5 reps (70% - 80% of 1RM)
Week 2: 4 sets x 3 reps (75% - 85% of 1RM)
Week 3: 3 sets x 3 reps + 1 - 2 singles (80% - 90%+ of 1RM)

Secondary movement:
Week 1: 4 sets x 6 reps
Week 2: 4 sets x 8 reps
Week 3: 4 sets x 10 reps

Third movement:
Week 1: 3 sets x 10 reps
Week 2: 3 sets x 12 reps
Week 3: 3 sets x 15 reps

Assistance work:
2 - 3 exercises addressing weaknesses
2 - 4 sets x 10 - 25 reps

Periodization for 12 weeks:

Block 1: 4 weeks

Squat: Box squat

Box squat is used for the first 4 weeks to teach you to sit back, open your knees, keep your back tight and learn to drive up with the whole body.

Bench: Floor press

The floor press teaches you to control the weight, keep your back tight and pause the weight at the bottom then explode up in a straight line. It's a strong exercise that builds the full range bench.

Deadlift: Romanian Deadlift

The Romanian deadlift is efficient in terms of teaching the hip hinge where the glutes are pressed backwards, lower back to upper back arched and the bar kept close to the thighs with lats flexed. The bar only comes past the knees then the posterior chain drives through the bar and arms pulling the bar back to the top of the hips.

Assistance work examples: Basics
Squat: Lunges, step ups, leg extensions, leg curls, leg press, goblet squats
Bench: Push ups, rope triceps extensions, cable face pulls, lateral raises, dumbbell chest press, single arm dumbbell rows, lat pulldowns, TRX rows
Deadlift: Glute bridge, Swiss ball leg curl, cable/band pull through's, back extensions, glute ham raise, body weight reverse hyper, band good mornings

 Block 2: 4 weeks


Squat: Front squat
The front squat will be used for the second block where the first taught you to sit back and use the proper squat muscles, the front squat will teach you to hit depth while keeping proper form. The front squat will be done Olympic style where the bar is placed across the front of the shoulders, two fingers underneath the bar and elbows driving up to keep the bar from rolling off the shoulders. Below parallel depth, chest up, mid-back arched and elbows up.
Bench: 2 - board
The reason for the two board is that it simulates the use of a full bench except the range of motion is restricted. This gives you the chance to use the bench rack in terms of setting up properly and getting use to keeping tight through pressing the bar. Shoulder blades pulled together, feet pressed into the ground, mid-back arched, even hand spacing and elbows tucked slightly. Pause on the 2-board then explode up.

Deadlift: Block pull
Restricts the range of motion but the aim is to teach good form and get the lockout strong. The setup for the block pull is the same as the Romanian deadlift in terms of hips back, upper-mid back arched, lats tight, even hand spacing and driving through the legs and posterior chain to move the bar up to lockout. The block pull can be used with a stack of weights for the bar to rest on or actual blocks if you have. Make sure the bar is below the knees when pulling.

Assistance work: Same as above but with more compound lift emphasis such as
Squat: Safety squat bar squats, Bulgarian split squats, goblet squats, box squats, barbell step ups, Olympic back squat
Bench: Band resisted push ups, close grip press, 3-board press, reverse band press, military press, push press, barbell rows, chin ups, pull ups, single arm-overhead press
Deadlift: Snatch grip deadlift with straps off blocks, dumbbell Romanian deadlifts, barbell shrugs, weighted back extensions, good mornings, suitcase deadlifts

Block 3: 4 weeks

Squat: Back squat
Hitting the pure forms of the powerlifts. Competition back squat where the bar is placed on the lower traps and back of the shoulders. Head packed back into the bar and neutral positioning looking forward. Hips move back slightly and down with knees pushing out exactly the same as the front squat. Once in the hole drive up with the shoulders first, hips pushing through with the help of the quads into an upright position.

Bench: Full range bench
Same as the 2-board bench except now the bar is brought all the way to the sternum with a slight pause and pressed back up to lockout. The setup is the same but one must learn to pull the bar into your body and press yourself away from the bar almost as if doing a barbell row. This teaches you to control the bar and dictate how it moves as apposed to waiting for it to hit your chest.

Deadlift: Conventional deadlift
Bar is on the floor and you setup like you would do a block pull except now you are a little lower to the ground. Feet shoulder width apart, even hand spacing, hips slightly higher than parallel, driving through your feet you push the bar as well as pull it with your upper back into a strong lockout. Do not hyper-extend the back at the top, your glutes are doing the work so once you squeeze and contract at the top with shoulder blades back and in line, you will be upright in good posture with the bar across the top of your thighs.

Assistance work: Same as Block 2

Conditioning elements were described part 2 of the Genesis Program which will be followed on any two days that fit the lifter best. It would be advisable to add in some static stretching, band work for weak areas and direct abdominal work before proceeding to do conditioning. The aim of these conditioning days are to recover from the resistance training workouts, keep the body limber and healthy and increase the body's work capacity to be able to do more work over time and utilize energy systems better. Keep it anaerobic and the actual cardio workout brief but get that heart rate up!

Wrap up

After these 12  weeks you should have an understanding of basic programming on how to create a training program. This model can be stretched out longer but after the 3rd Block one would be advised to hop onto a more long-term strength and conditioning program such as the Cube Method, 5/31, Sheiko or Smolov ect...

This program is designed to get you stronger, increase the amount of volume and work capacity your body can handle, fix mobility issues and more importantly make you train like an athlete. Even if weightlifting, powerlifting, crossfit, strongman or any other strength and conditioning sport is not for you, training like a lifter that does compete in these sports will make you have the body, abilities and skills of one of them and be able to kick ass at any time and at any moment as you will be educated, strong and good enough to be part of the iron game.

Thank you,

If you are interested in this program and want to run it, please do contact me on Facebook and let me know how it goes. Also if you want to come into the gym where I work we can also organize for you to come in and run it under my guidance.

Jarrod Firmani

Wednesday, 19 December 2012


Fittest in Cape Town Competition (Jan 2013) preparation - Blog 2 - week 4 - Sleek Geeks

My 2 year old nephew has a face he pulls that goes along with an action called 'charging'.. he looks like a little Anime cartoon character with hands stretched up to the sky while simulating the image of his body being hit by a lightning bolt and he hollers out 'Rizie charging!'

Standing with a 60+ kg weight I need to deadlift and doing a mental sum as my 50kg body frame equals a true test of self. As I stood there I recalled this Anime cartoon image and found myself simulating the lightning bolt effect to find the inner power.

Training went from hard to harder but we are not complaining as the progress in physical appearance is evident in our progress photos. My mental shift from 'can do' to will and must do' is well under way ,and this mind set is starting to weave into my mental DNA as we start lifting and shifting weights we understood are for the pro's! Our training program is no longer laid out on paper and Jarrod introduces the new program which will be the type of training we will focus on for the next 3 weeks.

I am now fully versed in taking instruction and Jarrod calls them with a 100% accuracy to ensure I don't cause new injuries to one Jurassic park scene spinal column. The next 6 weeks will be a true test of self-belief and inner strength. It is a true honour to be trained by Jarrod Firmani as this man holds S.A. records for weight lifting but has no ego when training - and truly has the right kind of passion to teach. *Much respect to Jarrod Firmani as only with true passion can one take on such a challenge.

Shan and I start to look at deep heat spray as perfume for the fit, as pull up for pull up, we are starting to live what we meant to stand for, nandiboya - true self-belief and respect..

Some 2 years ago I had both hands injured in an accident and it came with much pain and frustration as in a period of 8 months the wounds had to be opened 3 times. Some scar tissue in the palms of my hands makes it difficult to grip and hold on to anything heavy and this starts to show during our strength session on 15/12 . I approached Jarrod for suggested alternative lifting methods as dropping 60+kgs on my legs and feet is very like to eliminate me from the comp...

Again, as always, Jarrod hears me and starts the mental work as to how to approach this new challenge. He takes each challenge with a pinch of positivity and rolls it out in true 'SLEEK GEEK' believer style.

On receiving our weekly update on our progress from our trainer the following feedback (progress log week 3) was received which inspires one to try even harder.. "You and Shannon have a lot of potential, squatting 50kg for 5 easy reps is not something that every woman does training for 3 weeks and even during years of training it's not an easy task. You both have the one thing that makes or breaks a champion and that is: Mind-set."

As a woman, something happens inside you when you take to a sledge hammer and are offered free reign as to expressing your anger.. Shan and I at first could not find that angry place inside to hammer out ANGER, but by round 3 Jarrod needed to actually call us back to reality as we got stuck into it.. just like the prowler I have a feeling this murderous beast will eventually be a friend instead of a foe.

Post our session 15/12, Shan and I both find ourselves way out of our comfort zones, but after good words of positivity we wrap up the week's training with Jarrod with much appreciation and excitement.

The pressure and excitement now has me thinking F.I.T.C - 24/7 - and the addiction has caused fantastic positive energy to rise in and around and the combo of festive feel good vibes, leaving us soaring high.

Our challenge this coming week as a team is to keep the holiday party energy at bay and to focus on EVO FITNESS session with strength, technique and endurance challenges.

My personal challenge this week is to eat more to bulk more, but without any artificial stimulants as my body rejects all that is not natural.

Wishing everyone a super styling holiday break..

Yours in fitness

Robbie Ross (i-mofo-did-it:)

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

EVOLVEFIT - Rossaan Benjamin

The following post is by one of my clients that I am training for the Fittest in Cape Town 2013 as part of the SleekGeek team.

5 years ago diagnosed with scoliosis, I would not have even considered cross fit, with extensive curving in my top left and bottom left of my spine  and in excruciating pain I had learned to accept what is.. Fitness challenges was  never a possibility,.

Now staring at my latest xray, which looks a bit like a shot  from a scene form Jurassic park, I am 10 weeks out from partaking in my first fitness competition, FITC 2013.

For me crossfit training is something I had never been exposed to and in my head something only those who are into extreme fitness and addicted to pain partake in. Now, 19/11/2012, walking into EVO FITNESS gym my eyes comb over pieces of equipment I’ve never laid eyes on before which include what looked like Santa’s sled in metal. This sled however is not filled with presents but rather with weights and you become the ‘enslaved’ reindeer. Intrigued but fearful I walk about this new setting with the only thought in my head: this is for those who take fitness uber seriously and I am not fit enough for this kind of fitness seriousness. Being a regular at Virgin work out time was spent on well-known routines and favourite exercises, now out of depth and unfamiliar I am introduced to our personal trainer for the next 10 weeks.  Meet Jarrod Firmani who appears in front of me, the image of fitness and strength.

Week 1 : Day 1

The first thing Jarrod instils in us is the essential need to warm up.  In the past a warm up would consist of a quick run, where here at Evo Fitness we focus on stretching and again stretching as a warm up. The first 10 minutes of each session will consist of essential warm up routines.

The first of my own personal learning came in the form of taking instructions and trusting in Jarrod to guide us from one new piece of equipment to the next.  

The second and the most unforgiving - a piece of machinery called the prowler (Santa’s sled), here I lack length strength and height as this is for those with immense leg strength. Being running fit is not any help at all but rather leg strength is the answer.

On speaking to one of our co sleek geek’s as to this training monster, I am told oh I use to struggle with that as well and pushing your car about is the best to simulate this training. I stood there hoping Jonathan is joking and simply ragging me, but with a more serious look now on this face he adds ‘ensure you do so on a flat surface and beware of the car rolling back’. I stood there shaking my head in disbelief and imagined Noddies car as opposed to my own to practice on!

The remainder of the sessions for the week became the best physical expression in learning as Jarrod with the world of patience and passion guided us from one piece of equipment to the next as per our program designed by Jarrod.

Training Program

Week 1

Day 1
A1) Goblet box squat
A2) Dumbbell overhead press
B1) Dumbbell row
B2) Single leg squat
C1) Band face pull
C2) Band pull apart
D) Bridge
E) Burpee/slam/throw

Our sessions with Jarrod happen on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday with an hour of personal attention ensuring no injuries as technique is key for this range of new work. The week concluded and I felt the shift in my mind set and body strength after  just 3 sessions with Jarrod.

Day 2
A1) Band chin up
A2) Swiss ball leg curl
B1) Band push up
B2) Goblet squat
C1) Band good morning
C2) Band pull through
D1) Trx ab pull in
D2) Hanging leg raises
E) Prowler push/Partner slams

Day 3
A1) Trx Row
A2) Glute bridge
B1) Lat pulldown
B2) Dumbbell press
C) Medicine ball ab complex
D1) Medicine ball chest pass
D2) Sprint suicide
E) Sprint/walk back
Week 2 started with such a burst of energy and now fully addicted to cross fit and hypnotically fixed on FITC 2012 training is off to a good start.

With a new variety of exercise explained by Jarrod I felt a sudden panic in my chest as my left hip had been crushed in an accident some years before and I will do anything to avoid engaging this hip in working out.

Jarrod, immediately noticed the panic on my face and well aware of my need to avoid employing this hip physically with professional passion and dedication he started walking my mind and broken hip into a safer place. As with the knowledge that a stronger hip and lower back less injuries are likely I start with the new exercise.         

By the 3rd of the week’s sessions Jarrod rolls a 30 kg weight onto me as I lay flat on my back on the floor, I simply had to move my hips only to lift the weight of the ground. I started with fear but in the 3 rep I acknowledge my hips are less traumatized and with hip strength I completed my exercise.

I now walk  around bragging to anyone willing to listen of our newly found pleasure (and pain) with the best trainer in Cape Town, Jarrod. A word of thank you to Jarrod for having the best approach in getting one to push harder and faster.    

Week 2

Day 1
A1) Goblet box squat
A2) Dumbbell overhead press
B1) Dumbbell row
B2) Single leg squat
C1) Band face pull
C2) Band pull apart
D) Bridge
E) Burpee/slam/throw
Day 2
A1) Band chin up
A2) Swiss ball leg curl
B1) Band push up
B2) Goblet squat
C1) Band good morning
C2) Band pull through
D1) Trx ab pull in
D2) Hanging leg raises
E)Prowler/Partner slams

Day 3
A1) Trx Row
A2) Glute bridge
B1) Lat pulldown
B2) Dumbbell press
C)Medicine ball ab complex
D1) Medicine ball chest pass
D2) Sprint suicide
E) Sprint/walk back

Week 3

My fear of the prowler starts to dissipate and I start actually enjoying the challenge of hurling my 52 kg body at this monster in full commitment to be its master and not fearful prey.

Week 3
Day 1
A1) Goblet box squat
A2)Dumbbell press
B1) Dumbbell row
B2) Single leg squat
C1) Band face pull
C2) Band pull apart
D) Bridge
E) Burpee/slam/throw

Day 2
A1) Band chin up
A2) Swiss ball leg curl
B1) Band push up
B2) Goblet squat
C1) Band good morning
C2) Band pull through
D1) Trx ab pull in
D2) Hanging leg raises
E) Prowler push/Partner slams

Day 3
A1) Trx Row
A2) Glute bridge
B1) Lat pulldown
B2) Dumbbell press
C)Medicine ball complex
D) Sprint suicide
E) Sprint/walk back

Jarrod has offered us the best training commitment and knowledge share and there seems to be no end to his commitment in getting us ready for what will be the our biggest challenge to date. Our training for the week has changed some and the weights for strength work outs are on the increase and Shan and my joking around during training is at a minimal as the strength and focus required to complete a  fitness session is on the increase.

We are told that the next 7 weeks will be a true test of our commitment and strength and, as we acknowledge the challenge ahead I try to start doubling up on my meals, needing much strength to and commitment to work this plan.

Today Monday 10 December some 2 hours pre our next session with Jarrod I wonder about this new training plan for week 4, anxious but excited with this change from hard to harder..      

My thoughts today after watching the Seeding videos for this year’s FITC, for 2014 I will start preparing for the competition for at least 6 months before, we can only but learn.   

- Rossaan Benjamin

Rossan is part of the SleekGeek community and part of their team to enter the Fittest in Cape Town 2013